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Introducing The
Young Africa

An initiative by Mastercard Foundation and UNDP to empower youth entrepreneurship in Nigeria.

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Ready To
Shape the Future
With your
Innovative Ideas

Innovating the Energy, Agriculture, Commerce, Healthcare, Financial Inclusion, Tourism and Creative Sectors.

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Young Africa
A Partnership Between Mastercard Foundation and UNDP to catalyse youth-led solutions
Slide 3
Ready to Make a
Young Africa
Is Here!
Slide 5
Young Africa
Innovates Programme

Find attached resources to help and guide you build your solutions.

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Young Africa Innovates

About Young Africa Innovates.

Mastercard Foundation in partnership with the United Nations Development Programme, sets out a shared vision to leverage youth-led solutions to drive socio-economic development in Nigeria.

The programme will focus on identifying, incubating and scaling solutions across a diverse set of sectors. At the core of the programme, innovators will be provided with technical support to test, validate and scale their solutions. 

Young Africa Innovates ethos is rooted in inclusivity, ensuring that innovators from all walks of life are empowered to bring their visions to life.

Our Objectives
Onboard 5000 Innovators

Onboard 5000 Innovators

See Focus Areas
Bootcamp 2500 Solutions

Bootcamp 2500 Solutions

See Focus Areas
Incubate 300 Ventures

Incubate 300 Ventures

See Focus Areas

YAI Impact

  • Strengthen the capacity of innovation hubs and local institutions to support young people scaling their solutions.
  • Advocate for policy reform of governments to create an enabling environment for innovators of all walks of life to contribute to socio-economic development .
  • Develop models that are capable of testing and scaling youth-led solutions.
  • Create jobs directly and indirectly by innovators supported in Young Africa Innovates.

The Programme

  • Application Submission

    Innovators will share details of their ideas and solutions. Solutions will be vetted against key criteria including its feasibility, potential to scale, originality and impact on solving a pressing challenge.

  • Bootcamp

    Innovators will attend a series of workshops to develop and refine their solutions. Bootcamp will last up to 4 weeks.

  • Incubation

    Innovators will gain invaluable mentorship from experienced professionals who will guide them through refining their ideas and navigating the challenges of early development. This critical phase will last 3 to 5 months, providing the support needed to turn your idea/solution into a reality.

Join the Young Africa Innovates Programme

Application Starts: 1st April - May 30th, 2024